
Privacy Policy

ARMERA respects the privacy of visitors to its websites. As a result, we have developed this website privacy statement. This website privacy statement applies only to the operation of websites owned by ARMERA Limited.


Through this website, ARMERA will collect various information about you as follows:
Web Server logs. Like the vast majority of internet websites, we automatically gather web server log information from you when you visit one of our websites by the computer that hosts our website (called a "webserver"). The webserver automatically recognises some non-personal information, such as your IP Address, the date and time you visited our site, the pages you visited on our site, the website you came from, the type of browser you are using (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome), the type of operating system you are using (e.g. Windows XP, MAC OS X), and the domain name and address of your Internet service provider (e.g. AOL). If our site is using cookies (which is disclosed below), the webserver will also collect this information. We often review the server logs to see what website pages are being visited to get a better understanding of how the site is being used by our visitors. This is popularly known as Web Statistics and allows us to maintain and enhance our service. In addition, in cases of system abuse, we may use this information in conjunction with your Internet Service Provider and/or local authorities to trace the source of any such abuse.

IP Addresses. This website uses Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses. An IP Address is a number assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider so you can access the Internet. Generally, an IP address changes each time you connect to the Internet (it is a "dynamic" address). Note, however, that if you have a broadband connection, depending on your individual circumstance, it is possible that your IP Address that we collect, or even perhaps a cookie we use, may contain information that could be deemed identifiable. This is because with some broadband connections your IP Address doesn't change (it is "static") and could be associated with your personal computer. IP Addresses are used as part of the webserver log information as stated above.

Cookies. This website uses a technology called a "cookie". A cookie is a piece of information that our webserver sends to your computer (actually to your browser file) when you access a website. This section details what cookies we set, how to find cookies on your machine, and how to change your privacy settings to restrict the use of cookies. Please keep in mind that restricting the use of cookies may impact your user experience, and may result in this (and other) sites becoming inaccessible for you. We use the following types of cookies on this site.

Google Analytics. Our Web server will install a cookie on your machine in order to aid the accuracy of a statistical program called "Google Analytics". While a profile can be built up of a user's surfing habits through the use of this cookie, the cookie itself contains no personal information. We use these profiles to establish common surfing patterns of our users, such as which links have been clicked or documents accessed, which helps us to maintain and enhance the service we provide. This cookie will remain on your computer indefinitely, even after you leave our site.

Session Cookies. As you surf around our site, there are often times when we need to remember technical information about you as you surf page to page. We use this technical information in a multitude of ways to enhance your user experience. This cookie contains no personally identifiable information and only lasts until you end your session and leave our site.

Persistent or Login Session Cookie. When you log into a restricted area, we may set a cookie on your PC, to remember your login details. This can be used for your convenience so that on subsequent visits, you aren't required to provide the entire log in information again. This cookie will remain on your computer indefinitely, even after you leave our site.

Third party cookies on our sites. ARMERA does not allow third parties to set cookies on your computer through this website unless these cookies are set at our request and are under our direct control and are not used or accessed by such third party except as set forth in this statement.

Refusing and/or Controlling Cookies. There are different methods for viewing and deleting cookies set on your machine, depending on the browser you are using. We recommend you visit the website of the browser manufacturer, where you should be able to find this information or visit a site such as


We will use your information to respond to requests you may make of us, and from time to time, we may refer to your information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our websites, products and services. We may also use your information to contact you and/or provide you with general information as well as information about our products and services. We may also enhance or merge your information with data obtained from third parties for the same purposes.
We may share your information with agents, contractors or partners of ARMERA in connection with services that these individuals or entities perform for, or with, ARMERA. These agents, contractors or partners are restricted from using this data in any way other than to provide services for ARMERA, or services for the collaboration in which they and ARMERA are engaged (for example, some of our products are developed and marketed through joint agreements with other companies). ARMERA requires that such contractors enter into contractual guarantees to observe security and privacy obligations as least as stringent as those set forth in this privacy statement.

ARMERA reserves the right to share your information to respond to duly authorised information requests of governmental authorities or where required by law.

Opting-out of services.
To be removed from our contact lists, please write to ARMERA at the following address:
c/o Data Privacy Officer
ARMERA Limited,
Units 1 & 2,
Copheap Lane,
BA12 0BG,

Please note that you may continue to receive materials while we are updating our lists.


Links to other sites. As a convenience to our visitors, this website currently contains links to a number of sites that we believe may offer useful information. The policies and procedures we described here do not apply to those sites. We suggest contacting those sites directly for information on their privacy, security, data collection, cookie and distribution policies. ARMERA cannot be held liable for any actions by or content of such third-party sites.
Changes to this website privacy statement. We may update this website privacy statement from time to time. When we do update it, for your convenience, we will make the updated statement available on this page.

Last Updated: 15 February 2021.


If you have any questions about this statement or our website, please feel free to contact us in the UK at:
c/o Data Privacy Officer
ARMERA Limited,
Units 1 & 2,
Copheap Lane,
BA12 0BG,